

What is syntropy




The law of syntropy arises from the fundamental equations of the universe and has been verified thanks to many experiments that can be replicated with relative ease.

The famous energy-mass relation, E=mc2, which we all associate with Einstein was previously published by Oliver Heaviside in 1890, then by Henri Poincaré in 1900 and by Olinto De Pretto in 1904. It seems that this equation arrived to Einstein through his father Hermann who, as director of the “Privilegiata Impresa Elettrica Einstein”, had frequent contacts with the De Pretto Foundry which built turbines for the production of electricity. However, E=mc2 does not consider the momentum, which is an important element of energy, and in 1905 Einstein added the momentum (p), thus obtaining the energy-momentum-mass equation: E2=m2c4+p2c2. Since energy is squared (E2) and in the momentum (p) there is time, a square root must be used and two energy solutions are obtained: negative time energy and positive time energy.

Positive time energy describes energy that diverges forward in time from a source, from a cause, while negative time energy describes energy that diverges backward in time and which for us moving forward in time is energy converging towards an attractor:


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Positive-time energy implies causes that act from the past, while negative-time energy implies attractors that retroact from the future. However, since the future does not yet exist, this energy was deemed impossible. Einstein removed it from his equation stating that “since the speed of physical bodies is practically equal to zero with respect to the speed of light (c), we can consider the momentum equal to zero (p=0)”. In this way, he returned to the E=mc2. However, in 1924 the spin of the electron was discovered; an angular momentum, a rotation of the electron on itself at a speed close to that of light. Since this speed is very fast, the momentum cannot be considered equal to zero and in quantum mechanics the energy-momentum-mass equation must be used with its dual solution.

The first equation that combined Einstein’s special relativity and quantum mechanics was formulated in 1926 by Oskar Klein and Walter Gordon. This equation has two solutions: advanced waves and delayed waves. Advanced waves were considered impossible since they involve retrocausality. The second equation, formulated in 1928 by Paul Dirac, also has two solutions: electrons and neg-electrons (now named positrons). The existence of positrons (which propagate backward in time) was demonstrated in 1932 by Carl Andersen. Shortly after Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Gustav Jung formulated the theory of synchronicities: starting from the dual solution of energy, they concluded that reality is supercausal, with causes that act from the past and attractors that act from the future. However, in 1933 Heisenberg, who had a strong charismatic personality and a leading position in the institutions and academia, declared the negative time solution impossible. From that moment on, anyone who ventures into the study of the finalistic energy loses the academic position, the ability to publish and to speak at conferences.

Luigi Fantappiè had studied pure mathematics at the Normale di Pisa, where he had been a classmate of Enrico Fermi. He was so popular among physicists that in 1951 Oppenheimer invited him to become a member of Princeton’s “Institute for Advanced Study” and to work directly with Einstein. As a mathematician Fantappiè could not accept that physicists had rejected half of the solutions of the fundamental equations and in 1941, while listing the properties of the positive time and negative time energy, he discovered that positive time energy is governed by the law of entropy, while negative time energy is governed by a complementary law which he named syntropy, combining the Greek words syn which means converging and tropos which means tendency. Entropy is the tendency of energy to dissipate, also known as the law of thermal death. On the contrary, syntropy is the tendency of energy to concentrate, to increase differentiation, complexity, and structures. These are the mysterious properties of life! In 1944 Fantappiè published the book “Principles of a Unitary Theory of the Physical and Biological World” in which he suggested that the physical-material world is governed by entropy and evolves towards chaos, while the biological world is governed by syntropy and evolves towards finalities that are represented by attractors. Since we cannot see the future, the dual energy solution suggests the existence of a visible reality (causal and entropic) and an invisible one (finalistic and syntropic).


The dual solution of energy implies three types of time:


-               Causal time: when the positive time solution prevails, that is, when systems diverge, as in the case of our expanding universe, entropy dominates, causes always precede their effects and time flows forward, from the past to the future.

-               Retrocausal time: when the negative time solution prevails, that is, when systems converge, as in the case of black holes, retrocausality dominates, the effects always precede the causes and time flows backwards, from the future to the past.

-               Supercausal time: when the diverging and converging forces are balanced, as in the case of atoms and quantum mechanics, causality and retrocausality coexist and time is unitary.


This classification of time was already known in ancient Greece where causal time was referred to as Kronos, retrocausal time as Kairos and supercausal time as Aion.


At this point a question arises: How does syntropy flow from the quantum level to the macroscopic level, transforming inorganic matter into organic matter? In 1925 Wolfgang Pauli discovered the hydrogen bond. In water molecules, hydrogen atoms are in an intermediate position between the subatomic (quantum) and molecular (macrocosm) levels and provide a bridge that allows syntropy (cohesive forces) to flow from the micro to the macro. Hydrogen bonds increase cohesive forces (syntropy) and make water different from all other liquids. Due to these cohesive forces ten times stronger than the van der Waals forces that hold other liquids together, water exhibits anomalous properties. For example, when it solidifies it expands and floats; on the contrary, other liquids become denser, heavier and sink. The uniqueness of water derives from the cohesive properties of syntropy that allow the construction of large-scale networks and structures. Hydrogen bonds allow syntropy to flow from the quantum to the macro level making water essential for life. Water is the lifeblood, the necessary element for the manifestation and evolution of any biological structure.

The dual energy solution suggests that the present time is the meeting point of causes that act from the past (causality) and attractors that act from the future (retrocausality and finality).

In the physical, entropic world, a great cause is needed to achieve a great effect. This is since energy diverges and tends to disperse. On the contrary, in the biological, syntropic world, the smaller the cause, the more it is amplified by the attractors and the greater is the effect. This oddity of attractors was discovered in 1963 by the meteorologist Edward Lorenz. When dealing with water, as it happens in meteorology, a small variation can produce an effect that amplifies. Lorenz described this situation with the famous words: “The flap of a butterfly’s wings in the Amazon can cause a hurricane in the United States.” For this to happen it is necessary that the small flap is in line with the attractor, otherwise entropy prevails, and energy is dispersed. When the small flap of wings is in line with the attractor this amplifies to incredible effects.

Obviously, for this to happen, the contribution of the attractor, that is, of the finality, is necessary.



- Complementarity


Modern science has not yet explained what energy is. Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize in Physics, writes:


It is important to realize that in physics today we have no knowledge of what energy is ... There is a fact, though, or if you want a law that governs all natural phenomena. There is no exception to this law. The law is called ‘energy conservation’ and states that the amount of energy does not change in the transformations it undergoes. This is an abstract idea, a mathematical principle that says that if there is an amount of energy, this remains constant. We can calculate the amount of energy and after any processing if we calculate again the amount of energy, the result is always the same.10


This is the first law of thermodynamics: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed”.


In Einstein’s energy/momentum/mass equation (E2=m2c4+p2c2) energy has two-time solutions. But, since the future is invisible, two perfectly balanced realities exist: a visible and an invisible one. These two realities are united by the same energy and the same equation.


We can write:


Etotal = Evisible + Einvisible

Total energy is the sum of visible and invisible energy


The visible reality expands and is governed by the law of entropy, whereas the invisible reality contracts and is governed by the law of syntropy.


We can also write:


Etotal = Eentropic + Esyntropic


Since the first law of thermodynamics states that energy is a constant, that cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed, we can replace the total energy with the number 1 and write:


1 = Entropy + Syntropy


Entropy = 1 – Syntropy


Syntropy = 1 – Entropy


This shows that entropy and syntropy are complementary parts of the same unity.


The definition of syntropy is profoundly different from that of negentropy which does not consider the direction of time. This has incredible consequences since it implies that life, but also physical reality, is the result of two complementary energies.

The description of two complementary forces, one diverging and one converging, one visible and one invisible, one destructive and one constructive, can be found in many philosophies and religions.

In the Taoist philosophy all aspects of the universe are described as the interplay of two complementary and fundamental forces: the yang which is diverging, and the yin which is converging.


Taijitu symbol


These two forces are part of a unity. In the visible side of reality, when one increases the other decreases, but their balance remains unchanged. This law is masterfully represented in the Taijitu symbol, that is the union of these opposite forces, the yin and the yang, the diverging and converging forces whose combined action moves the universe in all its aspects: the sexes, seasons, day and night, life, and death, full and empty, movement and repose, push and pull, dry and wet. Water takes on yang steaming form and yin icy form. Within the yin there is yang, and within the yang there is yin.

In the Taijitu the yang principle is represented by the white color and has entropic properties, whereas the yin principle is represented by the black color and has syntropic properties. The Taijitu is a wheel that rotates constantly, changing the proportion of yin and yang (syntropy and entropy) in the visible and the invisible sides of reality. The Taijitu shows that a property of complementarity is that opposites attract each other. This property is well known in physics, but it is also true at the human level where people on opposite polarities are attracted to each other, as in males and females. Since the balance of these opposite forces remains unchanged the Taoist philosophy suggests that the aim is to harmonize the opposites, thus creating unity.

In Hinduism the law of complementarity is described by the dance of Shiva and Shakti, where Shakti is the personification of the female principle and Shiva of the male principle. They represent the primordial cosmic energy and the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe. Shiva has the properties of the law of syntropy, whereas Shakti has the properties of the law of entropy, and they are constantly combined in an endless cosmic dance.


Descrizione: http://blog.schoolofawakening.com/wp-content/uploads/shiva-and-shakti-dance-200x300.jpg

Endless cosmic dance between Shiva and Shakti


Shakti can never exist apart from Shiva or act independently of him, just as Shiva remains a mere corpse without Shakti. All the matter and energy of the universe results from the dance of the two opposite forces of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva absorbs Shakti energy, turning it into a body and absolute pure consciousness, the light of knowledge. According to Hinduism intelligence comes from the future (Shiva), whereas fearsome, ferocity and aggressiveness come from the past (Shakti). Shakti is the energy of the physical and visible world whereas Shiva is the consciousness which transcends the visible world. However, each aspect of Shiva has a Shakti component, linked to the physical world. The evolution of this endless dance between Shakti and Shiva has the function to bring life towards Unity.

In the psychological literature of the 20th century Carl Gustav Jung and Wolfgang Pauli added synchronicities (syntropy) to causality (entropy). According to Jung, synchronicities are the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet they are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner.

The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s. The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead, it maintains that just as events may be grouped by causes, they may also be grouped by finalities, a meaningful principle. Jung coined the word synchronicities to describe what he called “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.” He variously described synchronicity as an “acausal connecting principle,” “meaningful coincidence” and “acausal parallelism.

Jung gave a full statement of this concept in 1951 when he published the paper Synchronicity - An Acausal Connecting Principle, jointly with a study by the physicist Wolfgang Pauli.

In Jung’s and Pauli’s description causality acts from the past, whereas synchronicities act from the future. Synchronicities are meaningful since they lead towards a finality, providing a direction to events, correlating them in apparently acausal ways.

Jung and Pauli described causality and synchronicity acting on the same indestructible energy. They are united by this energy, but at the same time they are complementary.


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Syntropy concentrates energy in ever smaller spaces increasing order and organization, but since the concentration of energy cannot increase indefinitely, at some point, the system releases energy and matter, thus activating the opposite process of entropy and an exchange of energy and matter with the environment. Life naturally tends to increase syntropy, but the macroscopic level is governed by the law of entropy and tends to increase entropy. Exchange between life and the environment results in a continuous process of construction and destruction which allows life to evolve. Exchange reveals the principle of complementarity which is a fundamental property of life at all its levels of organization, from the organic/biological level to economics.

Exchange is well denoted in metabolism where Entropy corresponds to Catabolic processes, which transform higher level structures into lower-level structures with the release of energy in the form of chemical energy (ATP) and thermal energy, and Syntropy corresponds to Anabolic processes, which transform simple structures into complex structures, for example nutritive elements into biomolecules, with the absorption of energy.



The complementarity between entropy and syntropy can be represented with a seesaw where entropy and syntropy play on opposite sides.



This representation shows that when entropy is reduced, syntropy increases and when entropy increases, syntropy decreases.


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Life needs syntropy and must therefore reduce entropy. The reduction of entropy is achieved through a continuous tension towards optimization, minimalism, attention to the signals coming from the heart and the resolution and prevention of conflicts.


The principle of complementarity between entropy and syntropy offers important applications for the creation of tools and solutions that favor well-being.

