

Syntropy Journal

ISSN 1825-7968 - Open Access Journal




2024 n. 1







Ulisse Di Corpo – Antonella Vannini:  A Syntropic model of consciousness

Ulisse Di Corpo – Antonella Vannini:  Un modello sintropico della coscienza



Ulisse Di Corpo:  Dual solution of energy or Collapse of the wave function?

Ulisse Di Corpo:  Collasso della funzione d’onda o duplice soluzione dell’energia?



Ulisse Di Corpo:  Head or Heart?

Ulisse Di Corpo: Testa o cuore?



José Díez Faixat - Self-Evidence and its forms

José Díez Faixat - Addendum 10: Integral Singularity



2023 n. 1






Alfred Bennun - The H-bond breakdown switch allows DNA and protein transitions in the brain to control the dynamics of hormonal communication and learning vocalization


José Díez Faixat - Addendum 9: - Holographic evolution


Ulisse Di Corpo – The Pandemic of the Vaccinated


Ulisse Di Corpo – La Pandemia dei Vaccinati




2022 n. 1






Jean Ratte - Genesis of the peri-corporeal field


Jean Ratte - Disturbances of the pericorporal field


Fabien M De Meester and Douglas W Wilson - A Tribute to Einstein & Tesla


José Díez Faixat - Addendum 8: - The evolutionary dance of Emptiness


Ulisse Di Corpo - Apocalypse and Syntropy




2021 n. 1







Alexander Trofimov - Kozyrev’s Mirrors as Global Cosmic Resonator for Earth’s Bio-noosphere


William Schnack - Reversing the Thermoeconomic Arrow of Time


John F. Caddy - A Discussion on Dowsing Theory and Practice


Maurizia Mancini - Traces of Syntropy in the practices that lead to Happiness


Ulisse Di Corpo - Scientific Finalism


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - COVID


Ulisse Di Corpo - Climate Change and CO2


Rosendo Augusto Yunes - Mathematics and metaphysics of self-reflection




Maurizia Mancini - Tracce di Sintropia nelle pratiche che portano alla Felicità


Ulisse Di Corpo - Finalismo Scientifico


Ulisse Di Corpo e Antonella Vannini - COVID


Ulisse Di Corpo - CO2 e Cambiamenti Climatici




2020 n. 1








Presentation of the Permanent Conference on Life Energy, Syntropy and Resonance


Ulisse Di Corpo - Life Energy and Syntropy


Antonella Vannini - Experiments on Life Energy and Retrocausality


José Dìez Faixat - Entropic-Syntropic Evolution


Ayten Aydin - Cybernetics and mutual causality in living systems the self-organizing loop


Maurizio Paolella - Homeopathy and Vital Energy




Presentazione della Conferenza Permanente su Energia Vitale, Sintropia e Risonanza


Ulisse Di Corpo - Energia Vitale e Sintropia


Antonella Vannini - Esperimenti sull’Energia Vitale e la Retrocausalità 


José Dìez Faixat - Evoluzione Entropica-Sintropica


Ayten Aydin - Cibernetica e reciproca causalità nei sistemi viventi il ciclo auto-organizzante


Maurizio Paolella - Omeopatia ed Energia Vitale




2019 n. 1





Bob Cochran- Exploring Syntropic intent Effects across Nonlocal Time


Roger Taylor - Studies on “Life-Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method


Ulisse Di Corpo - Entropy, Syntropy and Climate Change


Roger Taylor - Studies on “Life-Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method






2018 n. 1





Sara Leoncini- From disease to homeopathic medicines: the healing in unicism and the law of syntropy


Paul Abbotts - Teleological Physics & Duality


John F. Caddy - Were some astounding truths left for us by our Cosmic Tutors?


Roger Taylor - Torsion field experiments. Studies on “Life-Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method


Ulisse Di Corpo - Syntropy and Synchronicities


Rosendo A. Yunes - The false I and the true I. From Babylon to the New Jerusalem. How to read the signs of time




2017 n. 1





Watterson John Grant - The  Entropy  -  Syntropy  Inversion  in  Water - Part  I - Fantappiè’s  Vision  and  Living  Systems


Watterson John Grant - The  Entropy  -  Syntropy  Inversion  in  Water - Part  II - From  Physics  to  Biology


Rosendo A. Yunes - Information, system, complexity, feedbacks, retro-causality: an hypothesis based in the new paradigms of the universe, life, evolution and man


Rosendo A. Yunes - Original sin: a new historical-evolutionary view


Fossemò Sandro - Horror and Madness in Poe’s genius


Ayten Aydin - Shrinking versus Expanding TIME within Time’s Arrow


Ayten Aydin - Cybernetics & Mutual Causality in Living Systems -The Self Organizing Loop




2016 n. 1





A.R.D. Stebbing - The Unity of Opposites and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, with a biological outcome


Rosendo A. Yunes - The logic-mathematics structures and the convergence of cognitive capacities towards the source of this information: the infinity


Ayten Aydin - Saving the ecology and life on Earth. A Conscious move from an anthropocentric globalization to an anthropogenic & anthropo-ecological G-Localization


Nick Greaves - Mach’s Principle and its correlation with gravitation & inertia


Nick Greaves - Why the universe appears homogeneous & light isotropic, and the manner in which the speed of light might be made variable, and its resulting relation with the passage of time, and some similarities of these proposals to the Absorber theory


Nick Greaves -Dark Energy and the expansion of the universe




2015 n. 2





Guy Dauncey – Journey to the Future: A Better World is Possible


Ulisse Di Corpo – A Syntropic World Order




2015 n. 1





Ulisse Di Corpo - ANOVA = bad science. Can bad science practices be fixed?


Nick Greaves - Duplication Theory. An explanation in principle for the operation of memory and other allied phenomena


Roger Taylor - How to further empower world-healing meditations: a suggestion


Eric Wargo - Time’s Taboos: Dirty Thought on Systems, Syntropy, and Psi


Francesco D’Agostino - The syntropic solution of the impasse on the issue of human will




2014 n. 2





Maurizio Paolella - Homeopathic Medicine and Syntropy


Sara Leoncini - Urinary cytological screening with follow-up


Roger Taylor - A suggestion for the nature of Reich's DOR, and a method to generate it


Antonella Vannini - Consciousness and the Invisible


Walter Branchi - Performance of a Garden


Mark Hinton – The Key of Time


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - Syntropy the Spirit of Love




2014 n. 1





Peter Kohut - Crisis of Contemporary Theoretical Physics and the Truth in the Mirror of Dialectical Logic (The Unity Principle)


José Dìez Faixat - Beyond Darwin. The Hidden Rhythm of Evolution


Stephen I. Ternyik - Human Photo-Energetic Transduction


Roger Taylor - Remote transmission of life energy by means of macroscopic quantum entanglement


Roger Taylor - Remote imprinting of frequency information onto ormus atoms during their passage into magnesium phosphate. Possible application for distant healing


Ulisse Di Corpo – Change of Monetary System or Third World War?


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - The Decline of Science




2013 n. 3





Dirk K.F. Meijer - Information: what do you mean? On the formative element of our universe


Mario Ludovico - Evolving Systems. Recognition and Description


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - S.A.T. Synchronicities Activation Therapy


Dirk K.F. Meijer - Immortality: myth or becoming reality? On the conservation of information


Roger Taylor - The Great Work: Healing the World by Collective Meditation


Alessandro Simonini - Quantum actors and the retrocausality of emotions


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - West and East: Entropy versus Syntropy?




2013 n. 2





Roger Taylor - Response to the Viterbo Conference


Ulisse Di Corpo - Life Energy, Syntropy, Complementarity and Resonance - Video


Antonella Vannini - The Intelligence of the Heart - Video


Sergio Barile and Marialuisa Saviano - An Introduction to a Value Co-Creation Model. Viability, Syntropy and Resonance in Dyadic Interaction - Video


Jacqueline Magner Greedy - Parallels to Syntropy and Resonance in Jungian Psychology and Rosen Method Body Work Applied to the Treatment of Individual and Collective Trauma: Theory, Methods and an in vivo Experiment - Video


Richard A. Blasband - Concepts of Life Energy and Vitalism Through the Ages - Video


Richard A. Blasband and Dominique Surel - Radiesthesia In Atmospheric Energetic Engineering - Video


Nelson Abreu, Alexandre Madurell and Lucilla Perego - The Consciential Paradigm: a consciousness-centered framework for expanding the study of reality through bioenergy, OBE, and allied phenomena - Video


John F. Caddy - The  Huna philosophy and ‘Objective  Observations’Video1Video2


Roger Taylor - Studies on “Life Energy” by means of Quantitative Dowsing and Seedling Growth - Video


Roberto Maglione - Restoring Natural Atmospheric Pulsation in Northwestern Madagascar with the Reich Cloudbuster - Video


Jean M Ratte - Biosemantics of syntropy - Video


Dominique Surel - Controlled Remote Viewing – A Transformational Experience - Video


Philip Franses - The Paradox of Physics - Video


Irina Zhuravleva - The study of the soul: structure of the soul and bodies of the soul - Video


Olav Drageset - String Theory with a New Interpretation Can Model the Mind - Video


Peter Kohut - The Unity Principle - Video


Surendra Singh Pokharna - Exploration of General Systems Theory (GST) and Jainism may provide new frontiers of knowledge and evolution - Video


Ivan Klinec - Syntropic Economic Theory and Solution of the Global Crisis


Richard L Amoroso - The Physical Teleology of Syntropic Interaction: An Experimentally Testable Anthropic Cosmology


Alfred Bennun - Hydration shell dynamics of proteins and ions couple with the dissipative potential of H-bonds within water


Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev - Energy in the Universe and its Syntropic Forms of Existence According to the BSM Supergravitation Unified Theory - Video


Douglas Wilson, Ram B. Singh, Agnieszka Wilczynska, Fabien De Meester and Toru Takahashi - Perspectives on omega-3 fatty acids and flavonoids: modulation of syntropy and entropy; Tsim Tsoum concepts - Video


Charles M. Savage - How Might we Actively Escape the Entropic Traps of the Industrial Era?Video1Video 2


Ki-Joon Hong - Social Resonance in Path Emergence - Video


Deepak M Ranade - Creation - A symphony of Syntropy and entropy - Video




2013 n. 1





Dirk K. F. Meijer and Jakob Korf - Quantum modeling of the mental state: the concept of a cyclic mental workspace


Rosendo A. Yunes - The Real Sate Strange Loop: Evolution and the Uniqueness of the Human Mind Psychological Implications


Roger Taylor - Studies on “Life-Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method - II. Studies with Ormus


Stephen I. Ternyik - World System Energetics


Richard Jones - A Navigator’s Odyssey


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - Syntropy, the Law of Complementarity and Unity




2012 n. 2





KC Blair - The Science and Meaning of Mom’s Soup, the Placebo and Medicine, Plus Compassion, Love, Healing, Health, God and Everything Good


Roger Taylor - Studies on “Life-Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - The New Thermodynamics and Life Energy




2012 n. 1





Dirk K.F. Meijer- The Information Universe: On the Missing Link in Concepts of the Architecture of Reality


John F. Caddy - Resonance and the Implicate Order. Are creativity and ceremony poles apart?


Marco Galloni - The heresy of Fantappiè and Teilhard and the converging evolution


Don C. Nix - Syntropy and Sufism


Abdorreza Naser Moghdasi - Brain and Cosmology


Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini - Syntropy, Cosmology and Life




2011 n.1







The origin of life according to the law of syntropy


The evolution of life according to the law of syntropy


Society, Darwinism and the law of syntropy







Le origini della vita alla luce della legge della sintropia


L’evoluzione della vita alla luce della legge della sintropia


Società, darwinismo e la legge della sintropia




2010 n.1







Advanced Waves and pre-stimuli heart rate differences


Advanced Waves and Quantum Mechanics


Syntropy and Water


Advanced Waves, Syntropy and Parapsychology









Reazioni pre-stimolo della frequenza cardiaca


Onde anticipate e meccanica quantistica


Sintropia e acqua


Onde anticipate e parapsicologia


La crisi




2009 n.1







A Syntropic Model of Consciousness


Pre-stimuli reactions of heart rate frequencies: retrocausality and learning







Un modello sintropico della coscienza


Reazioni prestimolo della frequenza cardiaca: retrocausalità e apprendimento




2008 n.1







Pre-stimuli heart rate differences: replica and controls


Syntropy: definition and use







Reazioni pre-stimolo della frequenza cardiaca: repliche e controlli


Sintropia: definizione e uso




2007 n .1







Pre-stimuli heart rate differences


Quantum mechanics (QM)


Quantum models of consciousness


The vital needs model







Reazioni pre-stimolo della frequenza cardiaca


Meccanica quantistica (MQ)


Modelli quantistici della coscienza


Il modello dei bisogni vitali


Sintropia come direzione etica




2006 n .3









1. Time as a variable: from Galileo’s to Einstein’s relativity

2. Dual energy solution and supercausality

3. Empirical evidence of retrocausality

4. Negative energy, syntropy and living systems

5. The fight of life against entropy

6. Causality, retrocausality (reverse causality) and consciousness

7. The methodology of concomitant variations

8. Empirical evidence

9. Conclusions










1. Il tempo come variabile: da Galileo alla Relatività di Einstein

2. La duplice soluzione dell’energia e la supercausalità

3. Retrocausalità: alcune prove empiriche

4. Energia negativa, sintropia e sistemi viventi

5. La lotta della vita contro l’entropia

6. Causalità, retrocausalità e coscienza

7. La metodologia delle variazioni concomitanti

8. Verifica di alcune ipotesi empiriche

9. Conclusioni





2006 n. 2







Introduzione ai dati territoriali


Individuazione dei comuni in cui localizzare gli sportelli del lavoro


Il IX Municipio del comune di Roma


I report territoriali


Manuale di Sintropia-AS – Atlante Statistico


Dati grezzi presenti nell’archivio di Sintropia-AS


Esempio di report territoriale




2006 n .1







Supercausality and free will


Non locality and emotions


Learning from the future


The method of increasing proportions







Supercausalità e libero arbitrio


Nonlocalità ed emozioni


Conoscere il futuro per governare il presente


Il metodo delle proporzioni crescenti


Psicologia e sintropia


Psicologia quantica, sintropia e la nuova psicoterapia




2005 n. 3







Syntropy: a third possibility in the debate on evolution


The convergence of science and spirituality


The evolutionary role of suffering


Towards a new scientific paradigm







Sintropia: una terza via nel dibattito sull’evoluzione


Convergenza di scienza e spiritualità


Il ruolo evolutivo della sofferenza


Verso un nuovo paradigma scientifico


Sintropia, Consapevolezza, Amore…




2005 n. 2







Sintropia-DS: Statistical Database


How to prepare a questionnaire or a form


Editing a form with Sintropia-DS


Data entry


Statistics and data analyses


Download Sintropia-DS - Software


The zipped files must be extracted (unzipped) at the address C:\

The folder Sintropia.ds will be created with the program file Sintropia.Exe







Sintropia DS: Database Statistico


La progettazione delle schede


Informatizzazione delle schede


Inserimento dei dati




Analisi fattoriale ed analisi veloci


Download di Sintropia-DS - software


I file zippati dovranno essere estratti (de-zippati) sul disco locale C:\

Sarà creata la cartella SINTROPIA.DS con il programma SINTROPIA.EXE




2005 n. 1







Syntropy: the energy of life


From mechanical to life causation


How is syntropy experienced?


The three basic needs of life: material, love and value


Contemporary crisis


Relational methodology


First study based on the relational methodology







Sintropia: l’energia della vita


Dalle scienze della meccanica alle scienze della vita


Come si avverte la sintropia?


I bisogni materiali, di significato e di amore


La crisi contemporanea


Supercausalità e complessità: cambiare le regole nello studio della causalità


Teoria dei bisogni vitali e tossicodipendenze