We all associate the energy-mass equation (E=mc2) to Einstein�s 1905 theory of special relativity, however it was first published by Oliver Heaviside in 1890[1], then by Henri Poincarè in 1900[2] and by Olinto De Pretto in 1904[3]. Olinto De Pretto presented the energy-mass equation to the Veneto Institute of Sciences in an essay with a preface by the astronomer and senator Giovanni Schiaparelli.


It seems that this equation arrived to Einstein through his father Hermann who was responsible for the lighting systems in Verona and that, as director of the “Privileged Electrical Enterprise Einstein”, had frequent contacts with the Fonderia De Pretto that made the turbines for the production of electricity.


The Vital Needs Theory - page 3


[1]Auffray J.P., Dual origin of E=mc2: arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0608289.pdf

[2]Poincar� H,. Arch. n�erland. sci. 2, 5, 252-278 (1900).

[3]De Pretto O., Lettere ed Arti, LXIII, II, 439-500 (1904), Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze.